Welcome to Grace Free Church in Elbow Lake, Minnesota

Our Sunday service starts at 10:30am. To learn more about Grace Free Church feel free to click on the following links.

Learn More About Us

Learn about our pastor, the church’s history, what we believe, and our mission.


Learn more about Ignite student ministries, AWANA, Release program, Men of Grace, and our other ministries.


Learn about the latest events at Grace Free Church.

Upcoming Events

The “Grace Adventure”

What is the Grace Adventure? Oftentimes churches go through a difficult time and they realize they need a “reboot”. Reboots are an acknowledgment that current ministries may have stalled and are in need of starting over. Reboots also come about when a new Pastor begins in a church and he sees a need for the church to step back, reevaluate itself and start on a new journey. During those times, new ministries arise that embrace the Mission and Vision of the church.

Pastor Dan and Kim arrived at Grace Free in August 2022 with a desire to see Grace be that beacon of hope to the community that God had called it to. Grace Free launches its reboot, “The Grace Adventure” on November 20. Join us as we explore the exciting adventure God has waiting for us in 2023.

How to Become a Christian

  1. See yourself from God’s eyes
    • Romans 3:12   “All have turned aside, together they have become worthless. No one does good, not even one.”
  2. See Jesus for Who He really is:
    • Savior – John 14:6   “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through the Son.”
    • Lord – Mark 14:62  “Are you the Christ? Jesus responded I AM”
  3. Surrender yourself to Christ –
    • John 1:12 – “But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to be called sons of God.”
    • 2 Cor 5:15 – “And he died for all, so that’s those who live should not live for themselves but for him who died and rose again on their behalf.”
  4. Surround yourself with things of God
    • Read His Word, that’s God’s way of speaking to you. (Ps 119:105)
    • Spend time with other believers in the church and out of the church. (Heb. 10:25)
    • Confess your sins every day. He will forgive you and help you to fight temptation. (1 Jn 1:9)
    • Share Jesus with others who need to know Jesus like you know Jesus. (1 Peter 3:15)
    • Talk to Him often . . . That’s prayer which is your walking of talking (Mt 6:5-12)